The mission was part of the exchange of experience and mobilization of potential partners
involved mainly in the field of agribusiness in Kenya and eastern DRC. As soon as we arrived in Nairobi on the evening of June 27, 2023, we met Dr. James Obila, professor at the United States International University- Africa (USIU-A), thanks to the contact and facilitation of Mr. Nathan NIYO, his former student who had previously organized all the meetings including that of Prof. JAMES OBILA. It was at 20:00 spent around dinner, that we began the exchanges preceded by the brief mutual presentation, as well as the objectives of the mission of the GASAP delegation.
involved mainly in the field of agribusiness in Kenya and eastern DRC. As soon as we arrived in Nairobi on the evening of June 27, 2023, we met Dr. James Obila, professor at the United States International University- Africa (USIU-A), thanks to the contact and facilitation of Mr. Nathan NIYO, his former student who had previously organized all the meetings including that of Prof. JAMES OBILA. It was at 20:00 spent around dinner, that we began the exchanges preceded by the brief mutual presentation, as well as the objectives of the mission of the GASAP delegation.
At the end of the exchanges, the latter put us in direct contact with Mr. Philippe, one of the executives of AGRA, Alliance for the green revolution in Africa (Alliance for a green revolution in Africa) which accompanies several farmers in the country. Before parting ways with Prof JAMES OBILA, the latter reassured us to settle on the next meeting with the head of organizations working in agribusiness.REPORT OF GASAP STUDY TOUR TO NAIROBI (27-5 JULY 2023) correct